30 December 2011


Probably im a jinx. I dont want to ever feel this way about myself but he made me. I guess he wont ever change. And why do i say all this? Cos he called me a FUCKED UP GIRLFRIEND. As im typing this, tears rolled down my cheeks. Last two days he called me pala butoh which simply means dickhead. And the day before he even called me that too when we fought on the phone. I guess he dont treasure these relationship at all. Throwing words around at me and toying with my feelings like as if im a doll. Yesterday was our second year and three months and this is still what im getting. I got nothing else to say. Feels like giving up. FML.

21 December 2011

My gift to you, my heart is yours ♥

Im glad that everything has settled down now. I cant deny that Alep has changed for the best of us and yes, im happy with how things are now. And still, every now and then I pray to Allah make this last forever. I told myself that it'll all perished - the thoughts about what happened that very night. Considering it a nightmare, I dont allow myself to even think about it. Bottomline, what I feel is that if we were to maintain this way I really think that we could make it. Ups and downs is part and parcel of life and I hope through much understanding and trust, Fyonalep will never ceased. I really feel his love now - unlike how it was last time - and through each and every of my heartbeat, it says I love you too, Alep.

06 December 2011

Neverending Fyonalep

I never want to think about what ive been through that rough ride- not throughout this 2 years plus- but recently. Cos it hurts. It would have never been Neverending Fyonalep without my chance. It seems unbelievable that it was me making the decision now, deciding Fyonahdot or Fyonalep for myself OR Fyonalep or Zulsuzzy for him. In this hour and in times like this, i pray to Allah, whisper softly deep to my heart, i wish i could thrust this thoughts away. Thrust it like it never happens and live happily again. But i think it all takes time to heel so i guess i have to bear this insecurity. And i pray to god every now and then, make us happen. Make this love come back to life.


Vulnerable and scathed.

October 2009
December 2009
February 2010
December 2011
March 2012